Funding your research project

Grants and programs from the French Embassy in Egypt

Doctoral and post-doctoral grants

The French Embassy in Egypt offers multiple funding mechanisms for scientific stays for Ph.D students and young Egyptian researchers who wish to go to France. Each of these funding mechanisms is intended for a specific category of scientists.


The Hubert Curien Imhotep Partnership (PHC) is a Franco-Egyptian program in support of researchers’ mobility. In Egypt, it is operated by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) under the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. In France, it is implemented by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).

Every year, the French Embassy in Egypt and the ASRT select up to 15 new projects to be supported for a 2-year period.

More details:

for French researchers:

for Egyptian researchers:

French and European sources of funding

Doctoral grants from the Ministry of Higher Education

The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research fund doctoral contracts managed by French doctoral schools.

Students seeking a doctoral contract must provide proof of enrollment with the aim of completing a Ph.D.

Applications are reviewed exclusively at the local level in each establishment after a large information broadcast by different doctoral schools, notably to students who are finishing their Master’s degree.

More information
on doctoral contracts

or reach out to your host laboratory in France.

Eiffel excellence grants program (Ph.D)

Developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Eiffel excellence grants program also offers doctoral grants, in priority areas in science, technology, humanities and social sciences.

Recipients are endorsed for 36 months at the Ph.D level.

Applications are presented only by French higher education establishments.

More information
on the grant and
application process

or contact your host university.

Research-Based Industrial Convention Trainings (Ph.D)

In partnership with the Association nationale de la recherche et de la technologie (ANRT – National Agency for Research and Technology), the CIFRE mechanism (Conventions industrielles de formation par la recherche – Reasearch-Based Industrial Convention Trainings) enables doctoral students to be hired by a company or a public body to conduct their research, in connection with an academic team.

The company or public body funds the Ph.D via a private employment contract. It pays a minimum net salary of 1,800 euros per month for three years.

Funding from research centers and public bodies (doctoral and post-doctoral)

In France, public research is split among higher education establishments and public bodies, such as the CNRS (Centre national de recherche scientifique – French National Center for Scientific Research) covering all areas of research, the IRD (Institut pour la recherche et le développement – Institute for Research and Development), the ADEME (Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie – Environment and Energy Management Agency) or the IFREMER (Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer -French Research Institute for Sea Exploration).

In partnership with administrative regions, these public bodies fund research grants for doctoral or post-doctoral students.

Local governments grants (doctoral and post-doctoral)

  • French regions and cities award grants to foreign students who follow a program in their jurisdiction.
  • They also award doctoral and post-doctoral grants managed by higher education and research establishments.
  • Regional host grants may also be awarded to foreign students as part of exchange agreements with establishments from other countries.
For more informations,
visit the website of different
French regions and cities
Spotlight on

Atip-Avenir Program by the INSERM and CNRS (post-doctoral).

Designed in partnership between the INSERM and the CNRS, the Atip-Avenir program enables twenty high-level researchers every year to put together their own research teams in the areas of life sciences and health. This program also aims to promote researchers’ mobility and has already benefited over 400 promising scientists.

Pour plus d’informations
sur le Programme Atip–Avenir

European funding

Spotlight on

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doctorates

These funding (1 to 2 years) are open to researchers of all nationalities who wish to join a European laboratory.

For more information
on post-doctoral
European funding
Spotlight on

The Starting Grant Program

The European Research Council (ERC) award funding to young researchers, two to seven years after their Ph.D.

Apply for the Starting Grant, which can finance your stay and that of your team for five years. It can amount to a maximum of 1.5 million euros. Every year, 25 teams are funded to carry out research projects in social sciences, life sciences or physical sciences.

Starting Grant Program
For more information
on ERC funding

Building multilateral research networks

The MRSEI Program by the ANR (research networks)

The program Montage de Réseaux Scientifiques Européens ou Internationaux (MRSEI – European or International Scientific Networks Building) was conceived to provide scientists working in French laboratories the means to submit, as collaborators, a research project in European (Horizon Europe) or international calls for collaborations. It thus gives them the opportunity to develop ambitious interdisciplinary projects and increase their international visibility.

For more information on the MRSEI program

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Staff Exchange (SE) Program

This multilateral exchange endeavor of research staff and innovation promotes international and cross-sector (public/private) collaboration through research and staff exchanges.

For more information on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie SE Program

Useful links

The Campus Bourses catalog lists all the aids delivered by states (French and foreign), local governments, companies, foundations and higher education establishments. Filter your search by nationality, area and level of study to find aids that match your profile.

The Campus France website’s directory of doctoral schools also enables you to find a specific research laboratory’s contact information. This portal helps you search for doctoral schools by keyword or by discipline. The “Laboratories” tab then allows you to scroll down through the list of associated research laboratories. Numerous doctoral and post-doctoral offerings are published there.

Every year, the Association nationale des docteurs (ANDès – National Doctors Association) publishes a Ph.D funding guide where you will find more information regarding the funding of your doctoral program.

The Bernard Gregory association works toward the professional development of doctors (Ph.D), companies’ capacity for innovation and the promotion of skills obtained by training through research. There, you will find numerous doctoral and post-doctoral offers.

Fundit is the French portal that lists all the funding and mobility opportunities for French and foreign researchers in humanities and social sciences. This website also publishes testimonies from resident researchers, project leaders, research funding and mobility actors as well as institutions that finance or host researchers.

The platform PhD Talent enables companies to connect with thousands of Ph.D students, doctors and researchers.