Who are we ?

The French Institute in Egypt is the heir to the great tradition of cooperation between Egypt and France and a major player in the bonds of friendship between the French and Egyptian people. Its action is part of the Cultural, Technical and Scientific Cooperation Agreement of 1968.

Missions of the French Institute in Egypt

The French Institute in Egypt is thus a service of the French Embassy in Egypt.

Its missions are:

  • to contribute to the broadcasting of French culture, language and expertise in Egypt
  • to strengthen cooperation between Egypt and France in all areas:
Educational and linguistic
Scientific and technical


The French Institute in Egypt is located on five sites and has more than 150 permanent staff and 250 teachers:

the headquarters in Mounira in central Cairo, since 1996

an antenna in Heliopolis, since 1977

an antenna in Alexandria, since 1967

an antenna in New Cairo, since 2018

an antenna in Sheikh Zayed, since 2020

Activities of the French Institute in Egypt

Activities of the French Institute of Egypt are very numerous and varied, including:

  • teaching French for young people, adults, and professionals,
  • teaching Arabic to French or third-country students,
  • the organization of artistic events and cooperation with a major component devoted to the professionalization of young creators, support for artists’ mobility in both directions, notably through cross-residency programs,
  • the promotion of French literature and thought, through our three media libraries, support for the publication of Arabic translations of texts by French authors, and the organization of conferences on the major issues of the contemporary world and heritage.
  • university, scientific and technical exchanges through, in particular, several grants and mobility aid programmes, be they university (Tahtawi grants, doctoral grants) or research (post-doctoral grants, Imhotep programme),
  • support to the organisation of scientific events (seminars, etc.),
  • the training of trainers through the University Institute of Teacher Training (IUFP),
  • the support of students who wish to pursue Academic studies in France, thanks to the action of the Campus France offices in Cairo and Alexandria,
  • cooperation with Egyptian institutional partners and civil society.

Accounting Agency

The Regional Accounting Agency is set in the headquarters of the French Institute in Egypt, however its authority extends to other establishments in the country:

IFRE CEDEJ in Cairo,

Institut Français Régional du Soudan and its Juba branch in South Sudan,

IFRE dual SFDAS/CEDEJ in Khartoum.

It is the financial hand of these 4 French cultural institutions with financial autonomy in which French public rules for accountability are followed.


The Regional Accounting Agency guarantees the consistency of expenses and incomes according to the applying accounting rules, while allowing institutions to fulfill their missions both in the cultural and research fields.


Regional chief financial officer since September 1st 2022: Myriam LABROUSSE MANSOUR

Deputy to the regional chief ficnancial officer: Rita ZEITOUN

Accountants: Amir MAGDI, Alaâ HACHEM, Ilham BABIKER