Academic cooperation

A bicentennial partnership

The Franco-Egyptian Academic cooperation dates back to the founding of Egypt’s contemporary higher education system in the early 19th century, at the instigation of Mohamed Ali Pacha. He established a public education system to meet the needs of the modern nation, and at the same time, sent numerous scholarly missions to France to train young Egyptians in languages and sciences. Today, this heritage is still maintained and developed by the two countries.

The Academic cooperation sector’s mission, under the Cooperation and Cultural Action Department (SCAC) of the French Embassy in Egypt, is to stimulate and support partnerships between French and Egyptian universities as well as student mobility between the two countries.

The goals of this sector include:


The Choose France fair

The Choose France Fair is organized every year by the French Embassy and the French Institute in Egypt.
This event hosts numerous French establishments in Egypt and comprises a student fair, as well as an entire day dedicated to institutional encounters between professionals.

Taking place every year in the fall, the event is met with great success from the Egyptian audience, welcoming over 1,500 high schoolers, students and their families, as well as some 100 representatives from Egyptian universities.

This now-unmissable event in the Franco-Egyptian academic landscape is a genuine motor for the dynamics of student mobility and the Academic cooperation between the two countries.

The Masters Tahtawi scholarships

Every year, the Rifaa Al Tahtawi scholarships program enables the endorsement of Egyptian students to pursue their second year Master’s degree in France.

With over 250 applicants per year and first-rate recipients, successive campaigns attest to the demanding standards of the Tahtawi program.

Highlighting the value of their academic paths by the SCAC paves the way for productive aspects of cooperation between France and Egypt, driven by these excelling alumni.