The French Embassy – French institute of Egypt (IFE) in cooperation with the STDF offers co-financed fellowships for Egyptian researchers

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The French Embassy – French institute of Egypt (IFE) in cooperation with the STDF offers co-financed fellowships for Egyptian researchers

7 mars 2021 - 30 mars 2021

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The Embassy of France – French institute of Egypt (IFE) in cooperation with the STDF offers co-financed fellowships for Egyptian researchers who wish to spend 6 months in a French laboratory

The fellowship is around 1700€ per month and covers flight tickets, insurance and living costs in France.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Holder of the Egyptian nationality
  • Holder of a doctorate degree
  • Not more than 45 years old at the time of the call’s deadline
  • French or English speaking, with a level meeting the requirements of the project
  • Not previously benefited from another travel grant to France from the Egyptian government
  • Not involved in another ongoing project funded by the French Government
  • The project must be included in the list of eligible fields


Eligible fields for application:

Health and medical research (only research purpose is accepted)

Earth and space science







Engineering science

Information and Communication Technology

Political science




Application procedure:

Creating an account on the STDF’s website, filling the required information, and uploading one application file, which consists of the following documents: 

  • Application form signed and stamped by the institution of origin specifying the duration of the stay
  • Recent CV in English for both the applicant and the host researcher (1 page each)
    • A list of publications and of conferences attended should be added to each CV separately
    • Invitation letter from the head of the French laboratory specifying the dates of stay
  • Research project in English, including:
    1. Abstract in English and Arabic (one page maximum each)
    2. Project objectives and benefice expected of the stay in France for the candidate/project (one page maximum)
    3. Research approach, methodology and time schedule (five pages maximum)
    4. Expected project outcomes and impact (one page maximum)
    5. Key references (one page maximum)
  • Recent recommendation letter in English
  • Valid Passport copy
  • PhD degree certificate
  • Endorsement letter signed and stamped by the legal representative of the institution stating:
    1. the project title,
    2. the name, position and affiliation of the applicant,
    3. that the project’s idea was not funded or submitted to another STDF program, another agency (national or international), or otherwise declare,
    4. that the applicant was not previously granted a post doc travel grant to France,
    5. that the institution approves the project.
  • Signed terms and conditions

All incomplete applications will be considered ineligible and rejected.


Launching date of the call: 1st of March 2021

Deadline for application: March 30, 2021

Evaluation process: April – September 2021

Results announcement: December 2021

Departure: Between January and June 2022


Note that departure is dependent upon approval of the Egyptian government, confirmation by the hosting researcher in France, procurement of the visa and the possibility of travelling at all given the global sanitary crisis (as well as any additional administrative steps entailed by said crisis).


For inquiries:

Embassy of France/French Institute of Egypt

Scientific and Academic cooperation department


Dr Rym Abderrahmani

Scientific and Academic Cooperation Attachée


Madrasset El Huquq El Frinseya, El Mounira




Science and Technology Development Fund – STDF



Assistant Prof. Dr. Aya Khalil

Program manager of the STDF-Embassy of France/IFE  fellowships

101 Kasr Al-Ainy St, Cairo, Egypt

Tel: +202 279 25 519







Début :
7 mars 2021
Fin :
30 mars 2021
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