Accredited schools

General data

What is an accredited school?

Accredited schools have received official validation from the French Ministry of National Education recognizing them as establishments that offer French-language and French curriculum education in accordance with the values and standards of the French education system.

For who?

Accredited schools welcome all audiences, irrespective of nationality.

For what?

Education in these schools enable all students to acquire fundamental knowledge, including mastery of French and at least two other foreign languages in a multicultural approach.

Key figures…

The schools accredited by the Ministry of Education form a fast-growing network. It enrolls over 375,000 French and foreign students in 140 countries in 530 schools.
Over 40 new schools have joined the network since 2019.

In Egypt

For the 2022-2023 academic year, the following 14 accredited French curriculum schools welcome over 10,000 students.


As Egypt experiences skyrocketing demand for international education, the French system enjoys stellar recognition, making it quite sought-after by Egyptian families and by the international community.

Throughout the country, 10 new Egyptian schools are developing an educational project aiming for accreditation by the French state.

In the context of the historical cooperation between France and Egypt, this national development is particularly valued by French authorities. Therefore, it is fully part of the international dynamic initiated by the French Language and Multilingualism Plan, which targets the doubling of staff by 2030.

For more information

For more complete information on the French education system, don’t hesitate to consult our websites below and
to reach out directly to schools that might potentially interest you