The book, debates of ideas and translation

Cooperation and supporting programs

The cooperation with literary professionals in Egypt covers help to translators, supporting francophone bookshops present in Egypt, as well as punctual exchanges of expertise on various aspects of the professional literary chain. As such, the IFE works with over fifteen independent publishers, six francophone bookshops, independent festivals, the Egyptian Ministry of Culture (GeBo and CNT) and research institutes (Cedej, Ifao, Ideo, etc.) present in Egypt.

The Program in support of publishing includes the assignment of rights (offered by the IF Paris) and translation (offered by the IFE and CNL). These different mechanisms entail calls for projects throughout the year, allowing Egyptian publishers to publish over 30 titles by contemporary French authors every year, such as Alain Mabanckou, Maylis de Kerangal, Bruno Latour, Enki Bilal, Golo, Mathias Énard, Élisabeth Roudinesco, Michel Foucault, etc.

Acces to culture

As part of the cultural programing, regular events are offered to the public including “Goût des livres” (Taste for Books), as well as “l’Heure du conte” (Storytelling Time) for young audiences. The IFE also offers a francophone book fair to highlight the wealth of francophone production and dissemination in Egypt, notably following the Etats Généraux du Livre en langue française in Tunis.
In Alexandria, annual “Ecrire la Méditerrannée” (Writing the Mediterranean) literary meetings have had great regional influence for over ten years now.

The IFE also has 3 media libraries (in Cairo, Alexandria and Heliopolis) that offer access to the French book to all audiences, in French and in Arabic, of all genres and formats (paperback, audio and digital), including innovative digital resources and programs, notably the Micro-Folie in Cairo with its Digital Museum.