French archaeological and museum expertise is recognized as being one of the best. The institutional cooperation, civil society and heritage sector, in close collaboration with the IFAO, participates in the provision of this expertise for the actions of different Egyptian ministries. To do this, the sector implements cooperation projects financed by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs through its “Solidarity fund for innovative FSPI projects” tool, as part of its policy in favor of heritage protection and promotion. Accordingly, since 2022, the sector manages a FSPI project driving French support for the creation of the new Grand Egyptian Museum’s library, which is expected to open to the public in late 2022. This project will enable, among other things, librarianship training. Between 2019 and 2021, the FSPI Tanis program contributed to the restoration of the Tanis site (eastern Delta) and its development for tourism purposes.
As part of its Lauer-Ghoneim Program, the sector supports the exchange of expertise in the area of archaeology and heritage, while encouraging the continuing training of Egyptian staff involved in collaborations with French teams. Under continuing training, specialized French courses are organized by the IFE for civil servants of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Cairo, Alexandria and Luxor.
By facilitating linkages between French and Egyptian archaeology and heritage actors, the sector reinforces French-Egyptian cooperation between the two countries. This sector supports numerous cooperation projects, including projects to organize cross exhibitions between the Louvre Museum and Cairo’s Museum of Islamic Art, as well as an open-air museum in Luxor.
Lastly, the institutional cooperation, civil society and heritage sector promotes the dissemination of knowledge in the areas of heritage and archaeology by co-organizing monthly conferences with the IFAO, les Rendez-vous de l’archéologie, during which French or francophone heads of archaeology missions come and report on their works. It also organizes Archaeology Day, which presents the results of the annual excavation campaign every year.
In order to coordinate the different French archaeology and heritage actors in Egypt, the sector is focusing on establishing a French-Egypt Higher Committee for Archaeology in 2022.